Hux to do about nothing.

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
New deck: Villain 0 0 0 1.0
Ispiratore di
New deck: Villain 0 0 0 3.0
3 commenti

GregtheBiz 391

So Endless Ranks is in the deck for after you play Separatist Landing Craft, then resolve its special to get a Battle Droid, then have the Battle Droid die, then get enough resources to play it? That seems like to much to happen for 2 card slots.

jascyn 8

paying for endless ranks isn't as hard as usual with hux's special or to buy resources with his special on mobilize. plus the card rotation that can happen with 2 advisors, the deck is a cool idea. i've been trying to figure out a hux deck too. i like this.

Darth Good Times 8

Ha, thanks for the comments. As a mtg player I've always found that having card advantage usually wins you the game. In destiny there isn't a huge emphasis on this (yet), but the Dark Advisor makes up for this. The potential to draw 6 cards to get you closer to playing Separatist Landing Craft is pretty valuable. It also acts as a way to pseudo fetch for some of the more impactful events for General Hux - Aspiring Commander to abuse.

I will admit that Docking Bay is still Up in the air at the moment as it's tailored to just the Separatist Landing Craft. The other (probs more reliable option) is Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II.

Have been toying with taking one Adviser out and swapping it with Guavian Enforcer but I'll have to do some play testing first!