Last Stand of the Sandcrawler

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Cryptid 98

Please play the 'Star Wars' theme in your mind when you read this part

EXPLOSION! Not long after a profitable transaction at the Lars moisture farm, a lone SANDCRAWLER is attacked by a squad of STORMTROOPERS. The JAWAS inside the vehicle, oblivious to the value of their recently sold DROIDS, are caught completely off guard.

Picking themselves up and dusting themselves off, the crew must defend their precious cargo at all costs from the trigger-happy agents of the EMPIRE. With little to defend themselves with, they must utilise whatever they can find amongst their salvaged junk.

In a final act of desperation, the JAWAS make their last stand...

It's ok, you can stop humming the music now

I made this deck to play against new players I'm introducing to the game, giving it a scenario vibe with the unseen story of what happened to the Jawa Sandcrawler in the film 'Star Wars: A New Hope' to entice their imaginations as well as eagerness to play.

Basically you just play the deck to the best of your ability while your opponent wipes them out... all of them. Have fun, and OOTINI!

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