Super Theme - Kylo/First Order Stormtroopers

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Super Theme Finn Rey 1 0 4 1.0

symbio 239

4 commenti

symbio 239

I was going to include Kylo's saber but just felt like the z6 was stronger with the redeploy.

truth123 311

but the riot batton was used only by fn-2199 in the film, not just ordinary stormtroopers

symbio 239

true but according to SW Canon, First Order Stormtroopers were trained in the use of Z6 Riot Control Batons. Cool thing about the theme format that we built, it doesnt have to just be in a film as long as its Canon. So as long as reference like Wookiepedia exists or its good.

symbio 239

As far as events go, this deck plays The Best Defense which technically has a pictures of Veteran Stormtroopers but the rules allow a picture of the character (any version). Figure its still thematic to play those types of events with the troopers.