"I Need A Weapon!" "You Have One!"

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Non ancora.

MiO 2

This is my current list for this. I seem to always be switching out cards, however, so obviously, changes can be made. Thermal Detonator is my newest addition, and can easily be swapped out for X-8 Night Sniper, but I find the discard from the Det to be very useful and against 3-character decks like brOTK and Yoda with any two helpers, the ability can be devastating (especially if Finn is dealing indirect and the damage is unfocused).

There are no redeploy weapons and no use of reusable removal besides Carbon Freeze, but a problem doesn't often arise due to the speed and power of the deck because it can close out by round 3 more often than not.

I've been trying out different replacements for Field Medic, such as, Dug In, Electroshock, Jetpack, among others. It just so happens to be in there as I post this but I find it can be surprisingly useful. Other than it and Det, though, I find the rest of the build to be very consistent.

Mill can be annoying since you're usually playing your whole hand each round, so you may run into trouble if you don't get a first turn weapon against a mill deck, but aside from that, this deck can trade blows with any aggro deck out there right now.

2 commenti

SinisterSmooth 7

Like the look of this deck but it confuses me why you don’t play planetary and/or drop zone. This seems lightning fast and could make great use of them. Also with auto cannon and finn locked and loaded seems like a slam dunk.

MiO 2

@SinisterSmooth I love Planetary Uprising, but it's a little expensive to put down and your opponent will start claiming and taking your die. It's a good deterrent but the resources can be better spent.

And I try to roll out Finn with Hit and Run or Quick Draw + Infamous and resolve immediately so Locked and Loaded doesn't really come up. Also, with Auto Cannon, I either have one die as a modifier or they're both 3 and vulnerable to Easy Pickings.

Probably will still give both ideas a try, though.