Finn and Maz

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Tybrid 922

Welcome friends to another Tybrid brand deckbuild!

Today's build started as an attempt to make Finn - Soldier of Necessity as competitive as possible. While I'm sure there's other ways to go about doing so, this was the way I chose to do it.

The Characters

Finn - Soldier of Necessity - Finn's dice are very very good, and this gets overlooked by a lot of people. 4 out of his 6 dice faces can do damage in some way, with at least one of those faces being at a value of 3. He's just super solid.

Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen - I went with Maz because I wanted to abuse the speed she gives, as well as use the Profitable Connection plot, but honestly the deck could be easily adapted to running Han Solo - Savvy Smuggler if you prefer the bump in health.

Profitable Connection - The 3 resource plot isn't one we're seeing a lot of in competitive decks, with the general consensus being that the extra resource doesn't do enough for the 3 character points that it costs. I disagree with that logic but I will say we don't have a TON of teams that can make good use of them.

The Battlefield

Docking Bay - Finalizer is the field I ultimately decided to alter the build to include. Since this deck is primarily about abusing speed to resolve dice, we're going to be claiming a lot. so we need to work the battlefield into our economy, as that's the area this deck struggles the most. I think recursive Honor Guard, as well as the added resilience against Vandalize gives this field an edge over Outer Rim Outpost - Nal Hutta, or Moisture Farm - Tatooine.

The Upgrades

Auto Cannon - The Big Gun! I personally love this card. Huge sides that have great synergies with Finn's dice, and is able to bring a lot of punch into play. This die has to be responded too one way or another all game long, and while we aren't always able to protect it from removal, it can have a huge impact if it's not removed. There is an argument to be made for running Hidden Blaster in this slot, and it's not wrong, I think it comes down to a matter of personal taste.

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol - This upgrade doesn't require much discussion. Amazingly strong gun. It's worth noting that it doesn't often end up nabbing a die with it's ability in this deck, as it's more here for the Ambush.

Holdout Blaster - Ambush, redeploy, everything we want in a gun.

X-8 Night Sniper - Another high value Ambush gun, additionally the pay to change face aspect does come into play from time to time.

Tybrid! There's only 8 Upgrades?!?!

Relax. 8 is plenty and most turns you'll have a gun, the turns you don't will be turns that you can build a resource advantage to close the game.

The Support

Honor Guard - This card is amazing with our field. Playing it for free from hand at the end of the turn, or bringing it back from the discard pile after we've used it (or used it to reroll!). You'll often find yourself just passing and waiting for your opponent to roll damage so you can activate it.

Infamous - The card that makes the engine go. Quick Draw and Smuggler's Run are why we run Infamous, it's worth noting that it's also great for dropping a Running Interference down when you often don't want to waste an action doing so.

Maz's Vault - I personally love this card in the mid to late game, once you've established your board. I probably wouldn't play it in the early game where it could be a huge help to my opponent tho. I'm a fan of using this once I'm ready to Hyperspace Jump to close out my turns.

Running Interference - The best card in Hero Yellow right now. If you know how to use it, it's amazing.

Suppression Field - Think of it like a repeatable Honor Guard that gives fuel to Finn's special when your opponent isn't getting past your removal much. For sure one of the flex slots in the deck.

The Events

Defensive Position - In a world of Maul's Lightsaber, Heirloom Lightsaber, and Sabine Wren - Explosives Expert dice, Defensive Position is probably the best removal in the game right now.

Dug in - Another very solid mitigation card. I run it at 1x because of all the shield hate running around right now. Flex Slot.

Easy Pickings - If Defensive Position isn't the best removal in the game right now, then this is. Solid removal when it works, I will say I've had some small amount of trouble keeping enough resources to play it when the opportunity presents.

Hit and Run - The OG red speed card, that every other speed card is trying to be.

Hyperspace Jump - This card is great in the current meta, with the large amount of decks playing the slow but perfect dice through rerolls game, ending the turn on a dime is very hurtful to their plan, and it's pretty easy for us to take a ton of actions before we play it.

Quick Draw - Play it with an Ambush weapon and it's a Hit and Run. Tap Infamous first and it's better than Hit and Run.

Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder - Tech card that I think is really strong into the current metagame. Always name event! Another Flex Slot.

Smuggler's Run With Infamous this becomes "Yellow Hit and Run", a holdover from when the deck ran Han Solo - Savvy Smuggler over Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen, it's still good, but I'm currently testing Truce in this slot, see if it smooths the resources any.

There you have it folks. I put a lot of time into the development of this deck, and think that it can hang with some of the better stuff out there. That being said if I was going to assign a "Tier" to this, it'd be Tier 1.5 It's strong, and can win games against the best of what's out there, but it's missing something still to push it over the edge into the Tier 1 space.

21 commenti

Tybrid 922

MiO 2

You're close with this! A little slow, too few resources, not great power, not getting a whole lot out of the battlefield, but it's a great pairing! Keep at this. Put a little more time in and you'll be on to something with these two!

Sidious 1

So my buddy made this up and we went a few rounds. Ya got a lot of work to do. This would probably give a Sarlacc indigestion.

Tybrid 922

@Sidious``@MiO Comments of this nature aren't constructive. I've played the deck extensively and can say with full confidence that if you are doing very poorly with it, then you are probably playing it wrong. Can you be more specific on the issues you've been having?

MiO 2

@Tybrid First, you need more power behind it. Holdout and X-8 are cute guns but you need a rocket launcher or maybe even Bowcaster if you're that attached to redeploy. With so little health, and no 2nd Chance, you should really aim for dealing 20 damage before round 3.

Support removal is solid, but if you're trying to play fast, it doesn't help. Better off with Electroshock or Hasty Exit to get Infamous Ambush.

Also, it's too expensive to be consistent. Look into Long Con, Truce, or crackdown since you have indirect. Maz's Vault is way too slow for these two.

Also, Scruffy Looking Nerf Herder is a cool scene and an iconic line, but you can find a much better card to replace it like Second Chance or even Mend.

I used to always play BazeMaz since Spirit's release and switched to this immediately after Legacies came out. So from experience, you need to make it all about speed and power and go for broke early. No game should reach round 4.

Tybrid 922

@MiO I don't know what metagame you've been playing in where Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder isn't one of the best silver bullet cards available, but it isn't the competitive Legacies meta.

Support removal is very solid when you aren't paying for it. Repeatable and reusable removal is bread and butter, and should under no circumstances be replaced with conditional cards like Electroshock that have to be paid for in the moment in a deck that needs to make every resource count.

On cost - Long Con and Crackdown are too conditional, and as discussed above, I'm currently testing Truce in the same slot that Smuggler's Run currently occupies.

Second Chance has no place in a deck like this, where the Maz is a support character.

While I respect the fact that you've played the archetype for a while, I've spent months refining this on TTS with some of the best players in the world, and while it's by no means a Tier 1 Powerhouse, it's a very very solid deck as is, and you're just playing it wrong.

MiO 2

@Tybrid Well, I tend not to focus on what's meta. I just run what works for a fast kill. If you run these two correctly, your opponent's hand won't matter for Scruffy Looking. Also, reusable removal shouldn't really come up bc you should win by round 3 and by round 4, you should be 1 die resolve from a win. Also, if Maz is solely support, there's an issue. Even with just one weapon on her, she's a threat. I'm not saying you're playing wrong or that this a bad build. I'm just saying you're missing out. I haven't used yours very much, yet, and either way I haven't lost with it. I just find it to be a little inefficient.

borghe 291

@MiO “your opponent’s hand won’t matter”. Unless your opponent has The Price of Failure, Leadership, Feint, Never Tell Me The Odds, Hyperspace Jump... I mean the list practically goes on. Mind you all of the above cards can nearly one turn kill either of these characters (round 1 even) aside from Jump which just ended your turn.

borghe 291

@MiOalso confused how he’s not getting use out of Docking Bay - Finalizer. He has 3 removal supports he can recycle with it. Docking Bay with Honor Guard is an EAW staple. Add in Suppression Field which can pull of a Maul’s Saber or resistance bomber. Then come back out at the end of the round for 1 resource.

MiO 2

@borghe, most decks that use those cards (with the exception of Jump and Never Tell...) are too slow to avoid removal, and this deck, with real weapons it, can go blow for blow with any of them. Also, jump, cool, since my dice are already probably resolved, a lot you did there (for 3 resources).

I faced all of those. Still haven't run into much trouble. (Aside from Big Vader interestingly enough. He's been my biggest hurdle).

MiO 2

@borghe There are just better battlefields, and in this particular case (as in specifically this team), support removal really isn't as useful. You shouldn't have more than two opportunities to use the battlefield so recycling isn't that big, either. Hasty Exit is better in this case, plus, with infamous, you can play it and keep going.

borghe 291

@MiO “too slow to avoid removal”... umm. That is literally the point of brOTK. Spend your turn removing all of their big scary dice just so they can Leadership and The Price of Failure and PA Maul's Lightsaber to kill either of your characters turn 1.

borghe 291

and there are only two characters here making maul’s PA even more difficult to avoid, making it even more critical to stop those double or triple activations on Sister.

borghe 291

Or using nerf herder to actually discard maul’s saber itself turn 1.

Tybrid 922

@MiO What weapons are "Real Weapons"?. Right now it has 3 of the 4 best weapons in the game for it's colors, along with Auto Cannon

cjnj193 265

With how fast this deck is moving did you try fitting a Planetary Uprising? If you manage to fit truce I think it’s playable. No idea what you would cut tho

MiO 2

@Tybrid Rocket Launcher. And possibly thernal det, but there's obvious problems with that. I recently tried it out and worked better than expected tho. The special can be devastating and the reusable discard with Maz can help.

@borghe By fast, I mean doing things in one turn before your opponent can go. Easy Pickings and Defensive can really hurt the droids and Maul's because they can't resolve right away. Recently started facing it, and that's where i tried out thermal det. The ability really hurts them and the 2 discard can stop the combo.

MiO 2

@Tybrid If this deck can be tier 1, we'll find a way! At this rate, we'll have a pro-con list for every card in the game by the end of the week. You may have unintentionally created a go-to resource for all things redyellow hero!

alphabeta 1

@MiO Please publish a decklist to share alternatives. You currently have no published decklists so we cannot compare. Thanks.

Tybrid 922

@cjnj193 I did for a little while, but I wasn't a huge fan of the time it cost me to play it, additionally it pushes your opponent to claim faster, which makes the removal suite in this deck less functional.

@MiO Rocket Launcher would probably be a viable alternative to Auto Cannon, but it has a lower ceiling. I see no way to put Thermal Detonator in this deck to any effective use. The reason it doesn't see any competitive play is because it's damage is a net resource loss, which is always bad.

MiO 2

@Tybrid Oh, I didn't mean replace Auto Cannon. I meant run both. Getting 3 red weapons down can outright end the game when you're rolling out and resolving same turn. And I hear you with thermal det. I thought the same way, but then I put it in. It is WAY better than advertised. Don't dismiss it without an attempt.