Uncle Palpatine. 54Wins 8Losses. 3 tounaments, all 6/0

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Nropevoli 33

This game has won me many victories, including going 6/0 in 3 tournaments I've been to. I have played close to 100 games with this deck, as it is now I have 54 wins and 8 losses with the current build. This deck doesn't have high damage but it will keep you alive. On average my opponent has to do 40 damage before they fully kill me, I've taken 67 before I ended up winning. Biggest weakness is mill/shield/heal. Carbon-freezing Chamber - Bespin will either make them claim early, losing dice or you take their support character dice if possible. Taking Ground makes it so you almost always go first, Remote Stockpile are so you can play whatever whenever you need it.

Any questions or suggestions feel free to ask.

8 commenti

DarthRoman 137

All I'll say is...you need to find better competition...

Nropevoli 33

I was vs people copying the top decks from this site.

lengelmp 1152

doesnt mean they piloted it well...

Entourage Gaming - Lanza 357

I built this deck. You need to chunk the 0 and 2 cost cards for Witch Magick to work. Add Spell of Removal, Nightsister Coven

Nropevoli 33

Thank you Vitalogy.

vitalis09 331

It looks...weird. At least weird. How its supposed to cope with heavy removal when you have just 2 dice?

Big_Campy 384

54 plus 8 does not equal 100. Just saying.

Hessian_Hessian_Hessian 239
