Unlucky 7

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

banshee 88

What makes this deck different is that you're actually hoping for rolls. Lots of upgrades with 2 on them, on purpose. It's not a problem if you blank out because Tarkin - Grand Moff can take those two blanks and turn them into 4 . Lemons into lemonade!

Anger becomes a 0 cost version of Reversal because of the high probability of Destiny's 'snake eyes' (2x). Manipulate is good in these circumstances if you only get one for disruption and chains into a quick Anger turnaround.

Sith Holocron goes on Tarkin. It's a fake out, because there aren't too many abilities that you can use with this, so if you roll a great, try to use it, but if not the other sides can be useful too because of Tarkin's power action. Try to load up Tarkin - Grand Moff with as many upgrades as you can because they're going to go for Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor first almost every time.

Other than that, roll big, do , use your blanks for . Doesn't really matter what you roll, even is good for you!

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