Mono-Red Stormtrooper Vilain Deck

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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nickthebug7777 1393

This deck was made mainly to test an all First Order Stormtrooper deck. I've heard many people talk about wanting to test out a deck like this and so far I really like the way it plays.

DH-17 Blaster Pistol, F-11D Rifle, Holdout Blaster, Infantry Grenades, IQA-11 Blaster Rifle, AT-ST, First Order TIE Fighter, Speeder Bike Scout, Supporting Fire, Supporting Fire, and Firepower were added to go along with the First Order Stormtrooper and deal lots of damage. This huge combination works extremely well to kill your opponents characters easily and quickly.

Commanding Presence helps with this and has a really good die with no blanks.

Aim is used to turn a die that might not help you to more damage.

Nowhere to Run was included because many of the die in this deck (including all 4 character die) have many blanks. This card will allow any of these die to become range, resources, or whatever you need at the time.

Squad Tactics was included because every card in this deck is non-unique. Because of this, if it is late game and all of your stormtroopers have a couple of upgrades each, you can play this card and get 8-16 die into your pool at once. Combine this with Nowhere to Run and you can have 8-16 die with no blanks in your pool. You can then use All In to resolve all of the dice in 1 turn.

Imperial Armory, the battlefield, was used because some of the included upgrades cost quite a bit and this would make them cost less.

Finally, Endless Ranks was used because if you did happen to lose a First Order Stormtrooper or two before you've killed all of your opponents characters, you could bring them back at full health for 5 resources.

This deck is on the simpler side of competitive decks. However, despite this it is indeed a very competitive deck and it performs very well across the board. I personally really enjoy playing with this deck also because it's interesting.

Please leave any criticisms or questions in the comments. I love debate about games and I'm open to new opinions. Thanks for reading. -NickTheBug7777

2 commenti

Peacelord 1155

Looks fun! How are the resources holding up in games?

nickthebug7777 1393

Resource generation seems to be pretty good with a resource side on almost every die. Could be better but it seems good enough to pull off a win.