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Destry210 732
Key cards of this deck are : Force Speed, ID9 Seeker Droid, It Binds All Things and Force Illusion that you want to mulligan for. Put them on Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor except for Force Speed which will go on Count Dooku - Devious Strategist with all your other upgrades.
Shields from Shoto Lightsaber. You want these to be put on Count Dooku - Devious Strategist every rounds. It Binds All Things is your most important card in order to be able to put one or two upgrades in play each round. You want one Makashi Training in play if you play against a melee damage deck. Crossguard Lightsaber helps for damage and for Shoto Lightsaber to do or remove shields.
Try this version and let me know about what goes well or wrong or what you had changed for the best.