Shield Generalator

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.
4 commenti

Drop it like it's Hutt 166

How much trouble are you having milling cards from hand at the end of games? Relying on Padme, Goggles and C-3PO seems like a very thin margin of error. I include Pickpocket and Scout and opponents who've seen Rieekan decks know who the threats are.

CakeBoss777 26

I used to play with scout, but it wasn't all that helpful. Thanks for the comment though

Not_A_Potato 1

I play a similar mill deck, but less focused on shields. Although I love Maz's Goggles, I recently cut it from my deck because because of the spot a Yellow character, especially since opponents usually go after Padme first.

Also, I recommend adding Fall Back as a replacement. It is a great way to get rid of 3 or 4 upgrades, especially after an opponent has rolled out. I also recommend adding a copy of Determination; I like to change a Rieekan or Padme two focus side to a 2 discard.

Dz 70 spynet? Any reason -- given your inclusion of Chance Cube I figure getting those focuses will simply synergize with each other.

I do run a similar Rainbow Rieekan deck that casually does extremely well (haven't really tested it out in a tourny, but I suspect it will hold its own). What are your thoughts on Diplomatic Immunity -- love the card for this deck but very difficult to bring it out (though I run a low-cost deck as Padme isn't cheap).

Also, as noted above, I feel you have to run into a discard issue. You really just can't be relying on C3PO -- most of the time yes, but consisting has got to be an issue. Only other ways is Goggles (which is event only) and Padme discard side. Always felt Scouts were essential for this deck (and it's sure presence can change focus on a different character). Tough Haggler has been OP for me too. It's a major threat on the board.