Lando-Ackbar League Play with Objectives (Fun! Week 2)

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Norman 26

I used this deck in the second week of our League Play (Fantasy Shop, St. Charles, MO) this past Sunday. Our league has objectives week to week that gain you points over the play period of October. Here was my week 1 deck:

Before I go into the logic of the deck, here were the objectives (without the nice names as in week 1) :

  1. Win the game with your last action being an event.
  2. Have 6 resources at some point during a game.
  3. Do at least 8 damage in a single action.
  4. Resolve 3 vehicle dice in a single action.
  5. Have 2 characters fully upgraded (3 upgrades each).

Clearly, objectives 4 and 5 are somewhat exclusive to each other, but 1 to 3 can likely be done either with a support deck or a more typical aggro-upgrade deck. I've been wanting to play with the new Lando, so I thought going for the first 4 objectives and playing supports for a Planned Explosion would be super fun.

Hence the basic build -- Tech Teams and Quadjumpers are essential, and I decided to go wide with a bunch of 1-ofs supports, from droids to a Z-95. The goal, naturally, is to get on the board with enough stable dice to get Planned Explosion to go off. It worked well for our league meta. I played four games with it on the day, pulling off 5 planned explosions (even doing it twice in two games). In addition, Flanking Maneuver made a big impact, helping take down the Inquisitor and Seventh Sister in one game.

Lando allowing you to start with that 3rd resource is really strong, and does make me wonder how much the new plot card will affect play as well. Additionally, there aren't a lot of 14 pt characters that make sense with Lando, but I could definitely see the new starter Luke from Legacies being a good pairing.

I hope that you have enjoyed this brief description and that it encourages you to try league play with objectives in your local groups.

2 commenti

ajax013 7

Hey Norman! Cool to see that you're on here; definitely enjoyed the objectives last week! ~A.J.

Norman 26

Thanks @ajax013!