Air Control, this is Ground Control, let's get them!

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LucioHord 2

So this is a vehicle deck I made as a deck but ended doing so well that my friend actually bought it off me. The general purpose of this deck is to put down two to five vehicles by round two and live long enough so that the vehicles can do its thing.

The Characters

So let me start off by saying the characters do not truly matter, they are primarily set up the way they are for the maximum amount of health for the maximum amount of resources. I have been through several different iterations of vehicle decks and one of the primary weaknesses of said decks is the lack of health on the characters, hopefully, this combination will help resolve that weakness.

Admiral Ackbar - Perceptive Tactician

Admiral Ackbar's main purpose in this deck threefold. First, he is supposed to generate resources and with two resource sides, this is pretty likely. Second, he also gives some consistency with his 2. This means that when you do have vehicles out you can ensure that they will have the results you need for that time. The last function he serves is some slight control in the form of his rules text which deals 2 damage when an opponent plays or discards the last card in their hand. This can prevent rerolls or even certain types of mitigation.

Hired Gun

Hired Gun is very similar to Admiral Ackbar in purpose. First, he generates resources just like Ackbar does as they both have two resource sides. However, unlike Ackbar, Hired Gun also adds some good damage on the field with his 3 and 2, which even at costing one resource is still pretty darn useful. Hired Gun also gives us access to yellow which in turn gives us access to some neat events and of course the Millennium Falcon.

General Rieekan - Defensive Mastermind

Oh, General Rieekan. Rieekan is key to this deck because he gives the characters that extra survivability with his 11 hp and good shield sides. He also provides the deck that added consistency with his multiple focus sides. The best thing Rieekan provides, however, is his ability which can help maintain a solid tempo for this deck. Now, I do understand that his mill is not that much and it might not do anything, but keep in mind his main purpose is to just be a big body and if he can mill while he performs that job then that is great.

The Supports


Astromech is a key component to this deck because it makes sure that your vehicles are doing exactly what you want them to do. It does this either through its focus sides or through its Action. Keep in mind, however, that astromech is best played in the mid to late game, once you have a board presence.

Black One

Not going to lie, Black One is in here because it is neat, that does not say it is not good, but it is to say there are probably better things that could go in this slot. Still, do not underestimate how much hurt this ship can put down with its special followed up by a good ole 3.


Ghost is important in this deck because it is so versatile. It can put down a lot of damage or it can create more resources so you can play more ships. Ghost is just a beautiful ship and it is a must-have for this deck.

Millennium Falcon

Kind of fulfills the same role as Ghost since the Millennium Falcon is also super versatile. Ideally, you want to deal the four damage with this die, but that does not mean the two focus or three discard are anything to laugh at and ignore. Depending on your board state the two focus could easily translate to four to six ranged damage. The three discard is also pretty useful because it can rip something important out of your opponent's hand and it could possibly activate Ackbar's ability! (I know right?)

Rally Aid

Okay, this is the real bread and butter of this deck. This is the thing you want to mulligan for, you want this in your starting hand because it lets you bring out the vehicles super fast. Rally aid can allow you to easily play two vehicles a turn if you are lucky, and if you have two out you can crank out three a turn. For example if you have Rally Aid, T-47 Airspeeder, and Z-95 Headhunter in your starting hand it is possible to play both of the vehicles if you hit one of them with Rally Aid and get a resource to pay for the other.

T-47 Airspeeder

This is just a two resource vehicle filler, but it is pretty useful. It does give that two ranged damage, but more importantly, it has its special. The special on this vehicle gives you cards in hand which could translate to more vehicles or rerolls, both of which are pretty important.

Tech Team

Tech Team is really here in order to make it easier for you to play vehicles, I am still debating on how necessary it is, but having two of these and two of Rally Aid essentially means that you are running a vehicle factory.


Good Old U-Wing, this vehicle is powerful and it is in there so that when you play it you are making a statement. Every side of this vehicle is good, so if you can play it you should. That being said, it's not every game you'll be able to play it and if you can't don't sweat it, just use it discard and reroll.


Despite its two blank sides, Y-wings are extremely powerful. Its special is disruptive, either they sacrifice resources or take damage. This is a great way to pace the game or to kill off characters, try to play it as much as possible.

Z-95 Headhunter

Kind of like the T-47 Airspeeder, the Headhunters are in here as cheap vehicles that can be put down just to create some sort of board presence. They have good damage output when you have the resources and if you don't that is fine at least it can present itself as a threat.



Deploy Squadron

Heat Of Battle

Hit and Run




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