Villain 5 Die, Die, Die

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Villain 5 Die, Die, Die 0 0 0 1.0
5 Dice Villain 0 0 0 1.0

KennedyHawk 83

Villain 5-deploy Weapons Suite

This looks like a weapons villain 50die build but really just focuses on efficient characters. You can get 10 base damage from just your character dice. Only two cards in your deck cost more than 2, so disruption and resource denial won't kill you. This list is a little light on removal. I'd probably recommend adding a few more once the meta settles out. Note, eCiena is a monster with salvage stand. Bala will probably be the first target, which is fine because your end game is roll in, tactical mastery into heat of battle.

This deck has done really well on TTS and in local play.

4 commenti

JeremiahBlitz 77

I really like the idea of this deck. is there any specific mulligan strategy aside from search for redeployables/ aftermath?

KennedyHawk 83

Hey man. I'll edit this with a write up this weekend and the latest tweaks. Honestly early I look for a logistics and some control. You can get 2 damage off from just your dudes in a god roll! It also depends on your match up.

torm3ntin 1

Have you thought about changing Tactical Mastery for Swiftness if its used to Heat of Battle trigger?

eckospider 213

Are you going to keep Heat Of Battle now that the card has changed? What do you think of We Have Them Now? Or may be add some of the removal instead of those cards? This looks alot of fun to play