The Infamous Strike Team

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Support Explosion 3 2 2 4.0
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Non ancora.

Steady 182

The point is to play Strike Team on turn one with an extra action to take. For this, you need certain cards in hand and be able to go first. Lando kind of help with that a bit. If you don't win the Initial roll, then you might have to work more to play it out.(which it shouldn't be much for this deck) The problem lies on the Discount condition of Strike Team. So as long as long as your opponent still have 2 resources on your turn, and you haven't spent your initial 3 resources, you can do the trick with Truce to play the discounted Strike Team, or anything you want to play that cost 4 or 5 if 2x Truce.

Also, If you play Infamous on turn one, then you can pay Strike Team on turn two and resolve the damage.With this line of play, the next time you draw Truce, you have anether shot of this potential haymaker.

ONLY IF YOU GO FIRTST: With 2x Truce you can play on turn one Strike Team (or whatever toy, Laser Cannon, Launch Bay, but remember, Strike Team got ambush) and even play something in between that could stick or gain you even more advantage. (Sample hand: 2x Truce, Strike Team, Hit and Run or Infamous, ect) The deck seems fast, but it also seems that it won't benefit much from claming fast the battlefield. It is missing Planetary Uprising but them being Red cards makes it hard for me to just add them in the deck because of Infamous.

Another way to get ST out fast is with Appraise but since i don't run many Supports in not as good as it could be in other decks. Still good enough to get the Team out on Turn two if you rolled a resource either with Lando or Ackbar. Both have healthy resource faces.

I know Truce is very risky and even more in the Support set that it is now, but some adjaustment can be done to the deck after some plays. Also, Ii was thinking that Temmin "Snap" Wexley - Recon Specialist could be another good option to counter Truce ability.

Another way to counter #Truce

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