Captain Caddy, With guide(eventually) and explanations(right

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Captain Caddy, With explanations! 40 30 9 3.0

JachPot 186

So I've played an actual event now and went 4-0 with this list there and 5-0 at home testing with my roommate against Mace/X and Asoka/X. I think Cad is very good and I've enjoyed tinkering with him. The only game that felt close last night was against Darth Vader/Royal Guard. I also played the mirror match, funkar, and newKylo/newPhasma.

I've made some interesting decisions for what I think a lot of people's first take on this deck would be. DT-29 is fantastic and is so easy to turn on. I also really like the special side in the current meta where everyone is trying all these new cards with resource cost. I'm only running 1 X-8 Night Sniper at the moment, because that's all I have, but I'm not sure I'd like to run more. I run it as a split with Phasma's blaster. Usually people go after Cad Bane first, if they don't I start loading Phasma up with some redeploys and eventually overwrite one to give Cad Phasma's Blaster. I find I often don't play Armor Plating except in very close races, but when it hits the table it's been instrumental in giving me the 1-2 life edge to ink another roll out of Phasma or Cad.

My removal suite isn't the greatest and I feel that's a trade off. One-Quarter portion could be an include in this deck, but I chose to play a lot more 0 cost cards (doubt, filp, logistics, prepare for war) to allow myself to have a lot more money to focus on upgrading and paying for damage sides. I might potentially dump electroshock for one quarter-portion, but with this deck racing I don't like to give my opponents extra resources.

Finally, our new cards!!! LL-30 was a card I saw when it spoiled and said "Yeah, that's the best card they printed" and it was something I immediately wanted to cram into a deck. I wasn't super hyped on Cad Bane until new Captain Phasma was released. Then I was all aboard the hype train. LL-30 Gives us everything we could want. It has dice fixing with its special, 2 base damage sides to help turn on DT-29 and one modifier side. The only thing I'd change is the shield to a resource, but I guess we can't have it all. X-8 Night Sniper is just another ambush weapon in this deck, it turns on Cad's "action cheat free resolve" setup which is super nice. I haven't found the action to be that relevant, because I'm usually trying to smash face then claim.

Prepare for war: What an all star! Obviously this card isn't playable a fair amount, but when it is, it is devastating. If you end up claiming moisture farm and then immediately preparing for war you start the round with enough money to pay for an upgrade, a tactical mastery, and a resource costing dice. I've done this several times to resolve 4-7 damage easily with no rebuttal. Then you often get to claim again and keep positive economy going.


This deck is marginally slower than Jango/X, and some of the other pew pew ranged decks we've seen. That's totally fine! Once we finally claim the battlefield I feel like we start so far ahead the next round it didn't matter that our opponent has gotten 1-2 extra resources.

Most of the other cards I didn't talk about are pretty generic. Dug In- great if we win the roll off and have in hand, great if we draw it when we're behind and we finally claimed, super win more if we claimed and we're ahead.

Bait and Switch - We surprisingly have pretty good economy, when we do, just turn it to 2-3 ranged damage and resolve.

Logistics - When we're suffering on economy and need to catch up.

Things to look at in the future, dropping FILP for Rend is a huge possibility. Right now everyone in my meta is too afraid to play imperial inspection, but it would be very troublesome for my build. I could also see dumping 2 DH-17's in a meta like that and replacing them with 1 Mortar Gun/1 Phasma blaster, or 2 Mortar guns.

I'll add a guide as I play more. I'm not too certain what I need to include. The deck is a basic pew pew deck. Make money, pay for guns, shoot the opponent. I didn't run into any super meta calls or things I had to play around. Try to fish for 1 ambush weapon in starting hands as well as logistics or prepare for war if you think you can win the roll off. You should "always" account for winning against most 3 dice setups and should maybe fish a little harder for the cards that only work if you control the battlefield.

3 commenti

Coco992 1

Hello, have you consider Truce? I find it quite reliable with the ambush keyword, people are taken off guard when they don't control your damage sides with a cost and then you pop ressources out of nowhere and resolve. Also, you usually make better use of the money than the opponent.

I also don't understand the strength of DT over X-8, they have 2 similar damage sides, but I feel the 3 for one, the ambush keyword and the action make it quite reliable to include in this deck.

Anyhow, thanks for the share!

JachPot 186

I did mention I only have 1 x-8 so I haven't got to try the deck with two of them. It is probably better to have two of them just to push the deck to having 6 ambush weapons for cad.

I also haven't tried truce. I built the deck quickly and I haven't been able to test all the variances. It's a card I could consider over prepare for war or something.

JachPot 186

Won 4 more games tonight to go 4-0. Beat Thrawnkar, Hera's Vehicle shop, Palp, and Mace/Maz Still dealing stupid amounts of damage and having a ton of fun. I only changed one friends in low places to rend to test it out and didn't end up playing it.