Three Pilots and a Pirate (EaW Update w/ Guide)

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.


How the Deck Works:

This deck is a slow and steady build up to an overwhelming last few turns. Never attempt to rush through the turn in order to claim (I've only claimed battlefield maybe twice with this deck out of many, many games). If the opponent's battlefield isn't too menacing, let them have initiative and take the shields on Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot. Spend your first two or three turns mitigating as much damage as possible with dice removal and laying groundwork with some of the low cost supports. Never re-roll your early to try and get (getting supports out is more important). By turn three or four you should begin saving resources to play expensive supports. By the end of the game, your resource generation and damage output is unstoppable. I went undefeated with this deck at my local gaming store's EaW release event. My closest game was against Darth Vader - Sith Lord/Royal Guard and if it performs similar to my pre-EaW version it also struggles against Palpatine - Galactic Emperor. Rise Again seems to be its downfall.

Top Picks Opening Hand:

Flank, He Doesn't Like You, Salvage Stand, Supply Line, Twin Shadows, Z-95 Headhunter

Auto Mulligans Opening Hand:

Droid Commandos, Endless Ranks, Flanking Maneuver, Pinned Down, Quadjumper, Slave I


Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot:

Ciena should always be the recipient of your shields if the opponent's battlefield is chosen. I almost always give initiative away to get her shields. If your opponent is silly enough to split damage around or go for Guavian Enforcer first, Ciena's ability can be hugely helpful in the mid to late game. My first version of this deck used Tie Pilot in her place.

Guavian Enforcer:

Guavian has an amazing die and a lot of health for his point cost. I never use his ability (can't even tell you what it is off the top of my head right now). Just a solid all around character.

First Order Stormtrooper:

These guys are squishy and I almost prefer to see them roll their side. That being said, they consistently add some small damage to your pool and their predisposition to roll blanks makes them great targets for He Doesn't Like You. Endless Ranks these guys at the end of the game for a guaranteed win.


If you don't use Flank in a four character deck, you're doing it wrong. It's my favorite removal card in this deck. Twin Shadows is a great card but only can be used early game while the twin First Order Stormtroopers are still alive (that's why there's only one in the deck). I like seeing Pinned Down in the mid game once you have a vehicle on the board. By turn three these are usually relevant so mulligan them from your hand if you get them during your first draw. Electroshock is also solid removal except if your opponent is high rolling. He Doesn't Like You works perfectly in conjunction with the blanks on your First Order Stormtrooper, Z-95 Headhunter, or with Supply Line.


I think Bait and Switch is in all of my Yellow Villain decks. It's a great way to pump some extra out of your dice. This works with the side of Quadjumper to get you a double side in a bind. I'll also use it with Supply Line to turn a from a blue resource side to a black one. Flanking Maneuver is amazing in the late game when your opponent claims early. I've squeezed 3-5 damage out of it on more than one occasion already (and that doesn't even include the damage showing on the dice already). Remember that your Supply Line dice are support dice when calculating your total. Endless Ranks is self explanatory.


I like getting Salvage Stand out early to start sapping my opponent's resource. I use Supply Line as my first roll of the turn almost always as it has the highest chance of triggering Salvage Stand. If I'm desperate to kill their resources I'll activate Quadjumper or Guavian Enforcer too. Supply Line's side is also key later in game. I don't look for Aftermath early in the game and will usually mulligan it (you shouldn't expect a character death in the first turn because of your dice mitigation). Having two of these out at once almost always leads to a win just due to the overwhelming amount of they help generate. Drudge Work is my weakest card of the deck. I usually use this as discard material but having one out can be great if you need a guaranteed out of a character. I'll also use it's action with a character who's about to be defeated to squeeze out one more resource.

Vehicles and Stuff:

Z-95 Headhunter is great early on. It gives you access to your Pinned Down card and can even be played turn one on top of your dice removal if you end up rolling resources first turn. AT-DP replaced First Order TIE Fighter in this deck. It's just great damage-wise and the is awesome against control decks. Quadjumper was originally in the deck to help play Slave I and AT-ST (not in the deck anymore - it was overkill). It turns out I actually like them staying out in the field for their and sides. I don't use their action much anymore. Slave I and Droid Commandos are powerhouses. They both essentially have 4 damage sides. I prefer Slave I over Droid Commandos but its pointless to have two in the deck as it's a unique.

Let me know what you think and happy rolling!

4 commenti

PalpShuttle 147

Guy at my local meta plays this and its fucking corny af


@PalpShuttle that's the last time I let you use one of my Cad Bane dice

AlreadyPicked 14

No The Best Defense...? Cand be super good versus big dice like Palpatine - Galactic Emperor or both Vaders.


@AlreadyPicked I had two The Best Defenses in my pre-EaW version of the deck. Replaced them with the two Pinned Downs. Haven't playtested this new version against Palp yet but if it still struggles I'll probably take out one of the Pinned Downs for another Twin Shadows or Best Defense.