Sabine Sucker Punch

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
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joanofsnark 17

Sabine Wren - Explosives Expert aka Star Wars Destiny's first amazing graveyard stick. With one of the most unique action cheating abilities you're left with one decision: how fast do you want to go?

Discard a bunch through Scavenge looking for cards you want on hand such as Infamous and Maz's Goggles, and looking for cards you want in your discard pile like Thermal Paint and Thermal Detonator. Use the discounted Thermal cards for overwriting upgrades like Thermal Detonator on Thermal Paint and then overwrite with DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol and keep spawning those Thermal Detonator's for effect. Holdout Blaster's are here to ensure consistency and Starship Graveyard - Jakku allows you to facilitate some Second Chance survival and less risky Holdout Blaster overwrites so you can equip Maz Kanata - Pirate Queen if Sabine Wren - Explosives Expert is focused down.

Infamous makes you playing those Thermal upgrades on Sabine Ambush so you can activate Maz and get some quick damage out.

Running Interference lets you disrupt entire actions on your opponent (I keep the action list handy from the starters for clarity) when action cheating you can block playing from hand, opponent Sabine Wren - Explosives Expert actions or activating characters to slow your opponent down so you can claim even easier.

The discard suite lets you have more ways of discarding your weapons. Ideally these would be thermals you can afford for discounts but Sabine can take advantage of [Holdout Blaster] (/card/01063) and DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol if you have the resources.

Don't be afraid of overwriting weapons after activation preferably before for obvious reasons but if it's the first round it could be a viable way of cycling your thermal cards for discounts.

Time will tell what needs to change and where this deck will settle in strength but I'm confident this will be strong at least for leagues and casual play. I played a streamlined thermal version of this being aggressive with Thermal Paint discards for more damage and not overwriting but getting more dice on the table earlier on will definitely be a big strength.

Planned Explosion I haven't been able to see how good this is but with the 4-6 value coming out if Sabine on average and the high value sides on the upgrades you have I'm going to try this out myself soon and worth a look at for big finishers or cutting down non focused small characters.

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