Captain Bane

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MannyMaYs 8

This is going to be a guide from what testing i have done so far with eBane/ePhasma (Captain Bane i like to call it) which i'm excited to give some further testing over the next few weeks.


Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary: Cad's ability give's him a baby Rey style action cheat. Ambush weapon in hand? Cool, use Cad's ability, drop down the weapon, follow up with a Cad activation and have an extra action on stack to do as you will. We have 6 weapons that can take advantage of this ability as well as fast hands to give you additional action cheat. Also, don't sleep on the 2 for 1 discard side. You're "support" character does a hefty amount of damage as well and taking away pretty much half of your opponents hand for 1 resource is crippling in many circumstances. Speaking of that support character....

Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician Ruthless is just good.... sooooo good. Every side on the dice (minus the blank) we want. The card can support like a champ and also deal a TON of damage if asked to. The move most turns will be to roll out Phasma first, and based off what the dice give you lay out a gameplan for what you want to do with Cad.


The worst feeling in the world is having that 3 for 1 showing and no one to resolve. Rebel War Room - Yavin IV helps minimize this occurrence by giving you one last out. 8 our of our 10 weapons also can take advantage of this battlefield as well!


I'll usually hard mulligan for Fast Hands / any ambush weapon/ Logistics,Truce, or Imperial HQ. This allows me to take advantage of Cad's ability while not having to worry about hitting one of the resource cost sides and not having any resources to show for it.


Ambush weapons are key, and we have 6 of them at a 2 cost range!

Armor Plating: In a meta where FFG hates shields, i really like Armor platings as a way to protect my main carry. I like it more on Cad since you can still use Cad's ability to drop the Plating from hand and activate in the same turn.

Captain Phasma's Blaster: 4 damage sides is just so nice. Honestly, it was between this and Rocket Launcher as an end game finisher. It needs more testing, but in those games where Phasma is getting focused, having this redeploy on Cad is just priceless!

Fast Hands Non - removable 3 damage hurts. Those turns you can use Cads ability to drop Fast Hands/activate/ and immediately resolve a dice feel so good. I usually try to hard mulligan for Fast Hands in the opening hand.

Holdout Blaster Ambush/Redeploy for 2 cost... to good

LL-30 Blaster Pistol Ambush/Redeploy for 2 cost. This also has 3 damage sides and a good special to help flip to that wonderful 3 for 1.

X-8 Night Sniper Hey, i heard you liked 2 cost ambush guns! So how about one that if you have some left over cash you can turn to any side you like? Cool? Coo!

Z6 Riot Control Baton "Wait, this is a ranged deck! Why Z6?!" Because it is the best weapon in the game, period. Before your Cad dies, just drop a Z6 or 2 on him and imagine the non-canon world in which Captain Phasma wields akimbo Riot Batons


I wanted to include an event suite that has a decent mix of mitigation/resource ramp at a low cost. Nothing costs more than 1 resource as most of your resources are going to be used for weapons/damage sides with a cost.

Imperial HQ: I am still testing HQ, but man, with basically 8 cards plus Cad that can utilize this ability, i am finding that HQ usually pays for itself in the same turn it was used.

Bait and Switch Make's your Cad have 3 damage sides and your Phasma have 4.

Electroshock Always great to keep an Electroshock around, i only run one here since it is "spot a yellow" and Cad is 9 times out of 10 the primary target

Endurance Possibly my favorite new event from from EaW. Getting a key dice removed always hurts, but being able to pay 1 resource to roll it back in is something i will do every time! You know what feels better? When a Character Guardians your 3 for 1 to try and save the damage from their precious carry, and you just endurance the dice back into the pool..... i can feel the salt already.

Friends in Low Places Great card to pull key events from your opponents hand/ protect your carry/ get a glimpse of what your opponent wants to do this turn

He Doesn't Like You a 0 cost removal is always good

Logistics the best resource gen red has to offer us

The Best Defense... a 1 off for those god roll situations. Staring down double guns from palp? 3 damage is better than 8.

Truce A card I've been testing. Yes, it does give your opponent an advantage. However, having an ability to resolve another 3 for 1 side instantly while your opponent thinks you have no resources left is more of an advantage for you than your opponent.

11 commenti

Kryptmann 1

Great list, liking it a lot. One thing, have you considered finding room for 2 Rend? I think you have 10 upgrades at 2 or less, fully a third of the deck, so could be vulnerable to round one Imperial Inspection? (I haven't done any testing with EaW but Imperial Inspection was the "Bane" of my existence during SoR). Thanks for sharing.

MannyMaYs 8

@KryptmannI thought about rend a lot and here was my reasoning why i may not need it. If i action cheat in using Cad's ability with an ambush weapon, and i know you have imperial out, i am going to resolve the dice of my 2 drop weapon immediately (unless their is just way higher value on Cad's natural roll). Now if the player decides to pop the 2 cost back to my hand, it could be beneficial by giving me another action cheat turn next activation. I actually haven't tested against Inspection yet (only gone through the thought process) but i am playing in a local tournament today and i will update with my thoughts! For now, dropping 1 Friends with Low (since it is spot yellow) and putting in 1 rend to hard mulligan for if you seen Thrawn on the other side wouldn't be a bad move!

Foz 1024

Armor Plating doesn't get around the main enemy, Vibroknife. You can't block unblockable damage. As long as it's heavily played, I don't think Armor Plating makes the cut.

I like Imperial HQ. Seems like a pretty efficient solution to all the pay sides we have floating around.

How fast is this deck? You may consider Prepare for War instead of Logistics. The key difference IMO is that it doesn't require the use of a die, which you'd prefer to use for damage generally.

MannyMaYs 8

`@Foz I wanted some form of protection for Cad, and unfortunately right now Vibroknife gets around everything. I've toyed around with the idea of putting Disarm in the deck as it (in theory) does the same thing in lessening the damage your opponent puts out and takes care of that pesky Vibro. If Armor Plating doesn't effectively do it's job, this may be the move.

Imperial HQ has been working WAY better than i expected, really happy with this card so far.

The deck ends up being pretty fast, and the sole reason i chose Logistics over Prepare for War was for your opening hand. Even though you end up claiming the BF most of the game, if you lose the opening roll out at the beginning of the game, Prepare for War becomes a dead card until next turn. I really like first turn tempo, and that's why i chose logistics. I'll say this however, Truce may be my new favorite resource generation card, feels really good to hit the opponent with a 3 for 1 immediately when they think you have 0 resources.

Foz 1024

I'm not surprised, I had also concluded Truce would be good, at least in decks like this. People will say "but it makes a resource for your opponent too!" which is true, but it's ambush so you get to use yours first. It fixes a lot of things, maintains the tempo of the deck, and seems to often make surprising plays.

Yeah the turn 1 usability of Prepare for War is a concern. I'll probably toy with both cards some more to see which I like better. Maybe I'll slot Prepare instead of Truce since they fill the same function, then I can see a more direct comparison to determine which one I prefer alongside Truce.

MannyMaYs 8

`@Foz Let me know how your testing goes! I saw one of your lists ran extortion, would love to here how that testing was going as well!

Boba-Todd 1

Great deck, quick question. The character list shows Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician, but you're explanation of the deck gives praise to Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper as the card to use. Which is it, and do you think either card would work?

Foz 1024

@Boba-Todd It's Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician. Better die, less points for elite. Elite Trooper's ability would be wasted here anyway.

Boba-Todd 1

Thanks @Foz! I was hoping it was Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician because that's the one I have and at Elite level. I pulled Cad Bane from the third pack of EaW I bought on release day so I'm close to putting this deck together. Buying 2 copies of the 2-player starter pack was definitely the way to go for a beginner like me!

MannyMaYs 8

@Boba-Toddthank's for the catch! It is for sure suppose to be Tactician (brain lapse on my part!) and the 2-player starter pack had some great cards! Welcome to the game and if you have any questions about the deck fire away!

Boba-Todd 1

Thanks @MannyMaYs! Looks pretty straight forward right now, but I'm sure I'll have questions once I get it all together and starting playing. :D