Tanky Mill

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Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Tanky Mill 1 0 0 1.0

Jorgyn Ryys 190

This was not the version I am describing in the tournament report, this is a more optimized version. The cards removed and replaced were never played in any of the 4 matches in the tournament

This deck got me my first top 8 finish, granted it was 8th, but hell a top 8 is a top 8 right? Anyway the field was 25(ish) players, I know most of them and they consistently top their respective events. I thought I was going to get crushed.

So why eObi Wan/Padme? Honestly, I cooked this up very early in SOR but was distracted by other cards. I was playing a store championship and was having a rough go of what to play. I could have very easily put Poe/Maz, ePalp or FN/Anything together but about 30 minutes to registration I said "fuck it" and threw this together.

Round One - ePalp: This one was really cut and dry. I had seen my opponent around the tournament scene but I was not prepared for this. After his first action I knew this was his first time playing ePalp. So yeah, I lucked out and got Fast Hands and Con Artist on the draw so I went to town. It was not pretty. Knowing how I was playing the deck it was near impossible for him to resolve Palp's dice, and when he did, the 4 damage was negligible, no other dice on his side of the table mattered to me at all. He managed to kill Obi but the damage had been done with little options he conceded.

Round Two - FN/Bala/Deathtrooper: (I think). I have never met this guy but I see him post quite frequently to a facebook group I am apart of. I ended up killing Bala with Obi beginning of turn 2 and then proceeded to mill him into the ground. I think the game took all of 10 minutes. We were one of the first matches to finish. That's when I noticed the potency of the deck.

Round Three - eVader/Raider: This guy is one of the better players in the regional PNW meta This was honestly the best game of Destiny I have ever played, and I fucked it up lol. More on that in a second. I didn't get my Fast Hands or my Con Artist, what I did get was everything else. So I did what any normal player would do. I fucking panicked and fended off everything I could until I stabilized around turn 4. I finally got my Con Artist finally and started to right the ship. This was an uphill battle let me tell you. I was actually using Maz's Castle and my opponent was claiming way faster than I could. So no help there. I had finally gotten ahead on cards and pressure and was really gaining steam when it happened. The misplay heard round the shop, fuck-my-life. I meant to play Second Chance and instead played the Lone Operative in my hand. He was literally down to the last card and I misplayed and it cost me the game. We had quite a crowd watching us play as well. It was a rush. Had I beaten him I would have gotten 4th or 5th based of strength of schedule. He ended up winning out and getting 1st. I was his only opponent that went 2-2, the other 3 went 3-1.

Round Four - FN/Unkar/FOST: This guy is one of the better players in the regional PNW meta as well, so I was like, "well shit at least my last two opponents weren't complete scrubs." NOPE! My dice have had enough and they made it quite apparent. They absolutely betrayed me in the worst way lol. It was that kind of game. My deck wasn't much kinder either. I was getting what I needed a turn too late and by that time it was too late. -lost heinously- /sadface.

Overall this deck is awesome to play. The frustration veins it produces on your opponents are top notch. I found that this deck is very easy to switch between melee damage and mill mid game. Once you mill the deck down far enough you can abandon mill and start attacking with Obi for a turn or two, believe me they will feel it. This allows you to apply damage in fair amounts to avoid the loss if time is called and I can possibly tilt your opponent when out of the blue you just resolve 6 damage out of nowhere. Round 3 had 3 minutes left when I lost. So yes, this deck can easily take a game to time.

Clearly the most drool-worthy hand is of course Fast Hands, Con Artist and 3 other cards. Mulligan aggressively for these. The faster you can get counters on Con Artist the more pressure you can apply. Try and mill something, anything every turn. Friends In Low Places is good for this just in case your dice are dicks. This deck is designed to stay alive and break the tempo of faster decks. IF you can make a deck designed not to play fair, play fair, you win.

12 commenti

Yodalf 25

Just curious on why elite Obi over elite Padme? Seems like even more pressure could come from a 2nd Padme dice. Blue does add some longevity though. I like it.

Schattenriss 1

I had the same thought: would it not be better to have ePadme?

However I believe the deck is build to switch between discarding cards and doing damage.

Schattenriss 1

The question for me is, if sabotage shall be included? I can imagine that imperial inspection is devastating against this deck.

Do not get me wrong, I really like the concept of the deck; thanks!

Matt_the_Bro 1

I think including Sabotage is a clutch play. FN/eUnkar/FO is strong and Imperial Inspection would in fact wreck this deck.

Jorgyn Ryys 190

'@Yodalf- Schattenriss is correct. The deck needs to be able to flow between the two deck archetypes to be as potent as possible.

@Schattenriss Yes imperial inspection ruins this decks day in a bad way. But you can't have everything you want the way you want it. Imperial Inspection is only good if they get it on the table. You just have to race them to discard it before they can play it.

With a 30 card deck you can't just put a counter in for every card as it will dilute the deck. However, Sabotage is super strong but this deck is super cheap lol. With 8 dice and only 8 resource sides, money is a bige deal in the deck. I was using Force Heal to make up for it but it just ended up being an overwrite for a Second Chance, Lone Operative, OWTF. I can easily do that with a cunning. I have another list that is more Melee oriented with a tad of mill on the back end. However, to do this I had to lose some of the fat ass of the deck, it just makes it too frail to really hold up against a really fast deck like Vader/Raider.

If you guys can see a better way of doing this I am all ears. I am considering some "one of" cards, like Sabotage, or Hold on.

Trust me when I say this there is nothing like seeing your opponents face when they realizes they need to do about 30 damage to kill Padme. The end of the ePalp game I had Padme with a Second Chance, Ammo Belt and Force Illusion. I also had an Ammo Belt and Second chance in hand as well as half of my library left for the Force Illusion.

Jorgyn Ryys 190

@Matt_the_Bro - Imperial Inspection does in fact wreck face.. That's painfully obvious.

Schattenriss 1

@Jorgyn Ryys - the card limit of 30 cards is understood and I appreciate your comment on this. Do you mind to share the more melee orientated deck?

In addition, did you try to build a deck with ePadme/Padawan/Padawan?

Jorgyn Ryys 190

@Schattenriss - I never tried ePadme/Padawan/Padawan. Padawans are very frail it's easy to get one aced before the game actually starts lol. Besides guardian let's me split up damage and remove vibroknives, can't do that with Padawans.

As for the melee version. Give me a few and I'll post it.

Jorgyn Ryys 190

Melee version is up. It's called *Melee Mill"

Jorgyn Ryys 190

Schattenriss 1

Thank You!

RedRightHand 1

I've been playing this deck a lot on TTS lately and have had a ton of fun with it. I usually get wrecked when playing one of the current meta decks; the errata to ammo belt hurt this deck significantly. But still, I actually do well against second tier and jank decks. In the early game I tend to use the abundance of focus sides to churn out some damage with Kenobi. If you can manage to pick off a character early, you should have enough breathing room to get the padmill going while continuing to take jabs with Kenobi.