HanRey 5-1 SC Winner (ComixArt Bamberg)

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

skyballer 93

Card choices:

I tried Fast Hands to be able to disrupt all of my opponents new resources without giving him the opportunity to react. This works even after Rey is dead or in situations in which I don't have an ambush upgrade on her.

Sabotage was meant as an out against Imperial Inspection, which screws me really hard. However, I didn't face any, but was able to destroy a Slave I on turn 2, before my opponent had a chance to resolve its die.

I don't like Draw Attention too much and would much rather want to play Deflect, but I expected a fair amount of PoeMaz and with their resiliance against die mitigation and with all the spray damage, I opted against it and in favor of Draw Attention.

I would advise every Rey player to play both copies of Negotiate, since a) Rey's dice can be really useless and b) it absolutely wrecks most decks that don't action cheat, most noteably ePalp, but also KyloVader.

game recap

R1: Bala Tie 2x Trooper No need to rush against this deck, they won't claim even if you don't action cheat at all. I divided the damage between the troopers and the Pilot in order to set up a huge whipe in one round, thus making Endless Ranks less efficient. However, he discarded one copy early to reroll and have enough money for a t1 Slave, which is a really big threat. I believe it was the right play, but I discarded my entire hand, trying to find my one copy of Sabotage, and it worked. Losing five cards can be quite devastating for myself as well, because I can't reroll even once, but it wasn't that bad, I still had some damage and resources. About five minutes before time out his red characters started to fall left and right, leaving only Bala-Tik and a First Order TIE Fighter against a pretty unharmed Han Solo - 1:0

R2: PoeMaz This is a difficult match-up and I haven't tested against it a lot. On the positive side, I learned a lot this day :) I won the initiative roll and made the first mistake in choosing his Frozen Wastes - Starkiller Base over my Starship Graveyard - Jakku out of fear of recurring Thermal Detonators. Also, I figured that the two additional shields on Rey could make a difference. I didn't take into account his cards that require him to control the battlefield, Defensive Position and Dug in and that both our decks are really fast and that letting him have the battlefield makes it easier for him to claim again in consecutive rounds. I tried to kill Poe asap, but Dug in and Field Medic let him survive too long. He went primarily on Han, who died just before Poe. However, the DL-44-packing Maz with Fast Hands was too much for an already injured Rey - 1:1

R3: Kylo Vader The deck has a significantly worse ini-roll than mine, with two blanks on each of the four dice. As expected, I win the roll and Jakku is online. His first couple of rolls were really underwhelming. I went on Vader first, but when he put Force Illusion on him and Sith Holocron on Kylo, I switched. A fully equipped Rey that action cheats each turn around his very potent removal events was too much for the EmoBoys - 2:1

R4: Poe Maz This time a different player who plays the supposedly more usual battlefield, he wins the roll and we battle in the Emperor's Throne Room - Death Star II. The first game against this archetype taught me much about how to approach PoeMaz. I put more emphasis on equipping Han and finding an early Second Chance for him. Also helpful were the two discards I had with Rey: Hit and Run rigth before he could have used it and Dug in when Poe was pretty injured already. If I remember correctly, this was the game in which Poe claimed and I rerolled into lethal damage on him with Han and his DL-44 :) - 3:1

Top4: Kylo Vader Again, a different Kylo Vader player. He had me in the ropes quite early, with No Mercy for 7, finishing Rey one action before I could have got One With The Force down. That cost him his entire hand, however, so his other dice didn't do much more this round. At one point I have my two infamous out and keep chaining DL-44s for plenty of shields and free mitigation, which, again, is really strong against "normal" decks like this - 4:1

Final: Poe Maz My opponents from rounds 2 and 4 both made it into Top 4 and luckily had to play against each other, with the one from round 4 making it into the final. This time, however, I win the roll and choose Jakku, which he switches to the Throne Room during round 2 with New Orders. He goes on Rey first but doesn't get any spray damage, so Han's able to finish off Poe with a Riposte for 2. This leaves Han with Fast Hands, Second Chance and a Holdout Blaster against Maz with Maz's Goggles and no Weapon so far. When he resolves resources to get to 4, Han disrupts Maz's attempt to get a Rocket Launcher or DL-44 out. In the end, Maz needs too long to get to work and when I find the second second chance, it's pretty much in the bag - 5:1

3 commenti

Shaadea 1

How many attendees?

COMBanzai 13

No force speed?

skyballer 93

@Shaadea There were only 7: 2x PoeMaz, 2xVaderKylo, 1xEndless Swag, 1xKrennicDT and myself

@COMBanzai I find it is a bit too much. You don't need to finish before the opponents have their first action, just some time before them and you only need to chain up to three actions in order to resolve your most important stuff. I wasn't sure about Fast Hands either, but figured it is just too good on Han with his disrupt, especially as soon as Rey is gone and cannot help him with this evil plan ;-)