Where's my boyfriend?

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Non ancora.

Hindrax 28

This is a new deck I've been wanting to try out. Pulled 3x Chewbacca - Loyal Friend and 2x Bowcaster. Yet im unsure if I could fit them in place of the jetpacks.

Anyways. Deck has a hard time with shields (Han) and can keep pace with crime lord. Beat a poe/Maz with the deck using their own dice against​ them, which resulted in them having to reroll more often.

Due to the meta, everyone focusing on Maz, I try to use her early game to focus Chewbacca's dice to specials or damage for a first target. Then as much as I hate the combo, I stacked Second Chance and Ammo Belt on Chewbacca with a weapon.

One thing I am I noticed was needing the right type of dice removal and was unsure if I should add Dodge/Block.

I try to out tempo with infamous with non ambush cards to get early damage and use leftover die for removal prequisites. Then use battlefield for deck thinning.

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