Overseeing it Personally (Store Champs Winner)

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

RJM 121

6/3 Critical Hit Games in St. Petersburg FL

22 players

Winner: ePalpatine (Myself)

Top4: ePalpatine, eBaze/Leia, ePoe/eMaz, eJango/eFN-2199

R1 vs eRey/eQGJ R2 vs eDooku/eVentress R3 vs eAurra/Mango R4 vs eJango/eFN-2199

Top 4 went 2-0 against Poe/Maz, and then 2-0 against eBaze/Leia to win it.

18 commenti

Aleblood 1

I am not sure who to ask, but I downloaded this deck and one other into Table Top simulator, but all the cards are blank. Did I do something wrong?

RJM 121

Hey @Aleblood! You just need to load the SoR card images by dragging the stack of them from one of the object bags on the table. That should take care of it.

Tierdal 38

I just want to know how this deck is beating decks that crap out 6-10 damage a turn while mitigating a palp die or 2 every turn. This deck is ok...it can go off..but it also gets crushed by control.

RJM 121

@Tierdal The deck doesn't have to "go off". It grinds you out. This isn't an aggro deck, it's a control deck. The high end aggro decks in the meta have a really hard time against Force Illusion, Mind Trick, and aren't packing THAT much removal.

I win most of my games resolving a single Palpatine die plus whatever upgrades I have out each turn.

And sure, other control is harder to resolve dice against. But they also aren't applying as much pressure to your life total. Unless they're removing both Palpatine dice in a single action every turn, you're still going to win the race by resolving a single die for the 2 residual damage and matching their control cards with your own.

In a metagame I expected more heavy control (yeah right these days), I've played Interrogation Droid and Abandon All Hope to protect my best dice.

Tierdal 38

Considering your much more limited dice pool, the mitigation being run in other decks, and your weaker ability to make money... This really doesn't hold water. You weren't blocking vibriknife damage with force illusion were you? I don't think it's a bad deck but kylo/Vader should be destroying you.

RJM 121

You seem to be making lots of suppositions and assumptions, and not a lot of points made based on play experience (that I can tell). Which is fine, discussing the game and strategy is why we're all here.

You say it doesn't hold water, but in my very extensive experience that's clearly not the case. I've won 4 out of 5 of the previous weekly events I've played in with the deck, in what I'd consider a reasonable metagame, and now a store champ event in a quality field of decks.

And please... Give me and the community I play in a little more credit than questioning my basic understanding of the rules Re: Force Illusion and unblockable damage.

I faced Vibroknife decks in 3 of my 4 opening rounds of the event, two of which saw turn 1 and 2 Vibros in play and was able to navigate them successfully. Healing and removing the actual Vibro die are the simple and effective solution.

I also spend almost no resources on upgrades or control cards compared to other decks. I resolved a minimum of 1 Rise Again every game I played this past weekend.

Kylo/Vader doesn't have the economy to play Rise Again, or lots of removal, AND still be able to resolve those pay sides on so many of it's dice. And has virtually the same health pool as you when you factor in Anakin's self damage, and that the deck often plays Enrage.

I hope I'm not coming off as overly defensive here, it's hard to gauge tone on the internet. I've put a lot of time in on the deck, testing against top tier lists and competent players.It's not an easy deck to play, that's for sure, and you have to constantly adjust your approach for the metagame and current board state. But my results have been very positive.

Tierdal 38

No offense taken at all!! Great response. I don't disagree with alot of what you are saying. I guess one of the most frustrating things is when I roll blanks it's crushing. When my opponent rolls blanks they have an entire other character. I do like the idea of running abandon all hope. You feel like mind trick did good work for you? Always found it expensive. I got fifth place with mostly this deck at the SC this weekend. It's not bad, just vulnerable

RJM 121

Yeah, I think we do actually agree on most of the finer details. I actually claimed more than once over the weekend with a Palpatine blank still in the pool. The heal one from Otoh Gunga and getting to go first the next round while turning off crap like Defensive Position is just that good sometimes.

The deck is a tightrope walk from round 1 to finish, for sure. But that's part of why I find it so gratifying. You need to be aware of the game state and where it's headed non-stop or you get exposed.

I got god-rolled once by Rey with a double Vibroknife into 11 unblockable damage with no action to respond and lived because I had the Rise Again locked and loaded and claimed right after.

I also got god-rolled by FN-2199 when he and Jango were both on 1 hp and I was out of control in hand and had claimed. I thought I had that one wrapped up ended the round on only 3 damage taken. He left me on one and then had the Backup Muscle to kill me.

Crazy blowouts happen, but you do your best to mitigate those scenarios and sometimes you survive. Sometimes you don't. :)

Mind Trick is a total beast. You can control decks with single die removal in the early game, but some of the roughest matches are when your opponent has Wingman/Hit&Run multi-character large pools. It's often the one card you want to see late that buys you that extra 3-4 life you need to win. I basically never keep it in my opener though.

mongon210 1

Ill be the first to say that ePalp has a solid match up vs Poe/Maz. My friend built a Palp deck and between 2 rise agains and force illusions, Palp will outlast you

RJM 121

@mongon210 Absolutely. I think part of Palpatines strength in the current metagame is that he's one of few true 50/50 matchups for the 'boogeyman' of Poe/Maz.

meathook 1

This is almost the exact same list that I used today to win my LGS monthly tournament (22 players) 6-0 including the cut, and I had to beat emo vader/kylo in each of my last three matches to get there. You have to be patient with this deck. Use the rolls that you get. Don't pay for upgrades, etc. The tightrope is the exact right description. I was very close to including mind trick going into the tournament. I now wish that I had at least 1 in there for sure. Some decks can just throw out a ton of dice and it's nice to remove multiple of them with 1 action.

Hippie 1

I was the one Poe/Maz you played! I learned a lot about facing Palp against you, and I plan on including more mitigation and possibly changing my battlefield as a result of our match.

I look forward to hopefully facing you again in the future!

RJM 121

@HippieAh hey, thanks man! It was a fun event, and you definitely earned your place in the top 4. I tested specifically against Poe/Maz more than any other deck, so I felt well prepared going into our match.

I'm sure we'll get the chance to play some more, and I hope you end up making it down to Sarasota for the store champs there!

Hippie 1

@RJM I'm going to try! Lots going on in life and have to make sure things are taken care of before I can commit to it

John Solo 2

Question about having Force Speed in this Deck as opposed to 2 more control cards... or Upgrades.

I'm on an exclusive Palp run right now as I am winning a lot, but still have trouble with a couple decks. I find that I'm always claiming the battlefield and resolving my dice at a good pace, so how are you benefitting from Force Speed?

meathook 1

@John Solo Force speed brings options to the deck. By getting 2 consecutive actions you can really do fun stuff. You can mitigate 2 of your opponents dice, you can mitigate a die and resolve one or both of palps, you can resolve 2 different palp dice, you can reroll palps dice and resolve them (my personal preference if I had rolled poorly as i never reroll them normally). It's especially good in the mirror match or against other fast decks. You can free up actions to use cards like rejuvenate and still be able to claim the battlefield (that card is hard to play against other fast decks... you normally don't have the action window to spare). I started off playing palpatine without force speed and it was good, but I found out that force speed just makes it better. I can't imagine playing him without it.


I cannot wait to finally get ePalp deck up and running. I am not gonna run Deflect or Mind Trick. I think I am gonna run 2 Lure of Power and maybe 2 High Ground. Other cards I like are New Orders and Immobilize but space is crucial. I do like Mind Probe, Mind Trick and All In but space. It will be tough not running IBAT.

Foz 1024

@DJRAZZ I don't think New Orders is very good here. It might counter specific decks, but in most matches it just won't be worth it to switch to your battlefield. Even if you get 2 healing by also claiming that turn, you'll have paid 2 to do it, which buys a lot in this deck. You can fight off most battlefields well enough by playing tight with actions and claiming before your opponent.