
Simulatore di pescata
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X-Wings 1 1 0 1.0
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Non ancora.

sanhedrin 51

Here is my first draft of an X-Wing deck. It seems like they gave us all the tool in the new set in Double Down and Insight to get 3~5 X-Wings out quickly. The other card I made a 3-of is Rally Aid, as it over performs with all the 2-cost vehicles.

A good chunk of this list is a three-color, four character Hero Vehicles deck, including the good multi-die Hero removal cards.

Dorsal Turret in a vehicle deck seems really good. It’s like an excellent weapon upgrade on a character. I also love the interaction with Strategic Planning: it’s like readying a two-die character for 1 resource. I expect Strategic Planning to see a lot of play in the upcoming meta.

Respite, Don’t Get Cocky, and Insight are all there to help dig for more X-wings.

One possible change would be to replace Rookie Pilot with Jar Jar. This would let you play Second Chance and help to protect your Easy Pickings.

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