Shields? Where?

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Non ancora.

Roomba 204

This deck has done about 50/50 for me in casual play, haven't brought it competitively yet, mostly because I'm poor, but that's neither here nor there.

2 dice. I know. But hear me out. While this deck is focused on QGJ's ability to bop with shields early and hit with Obi late, or vice versa. you'll be generating enough shields to be able to stack either. Most people tend to get rid of QGJ first because he's annoying AF with his constant pinging for 1. You'll be getting shields from dice, fearless, shoto, obi's lightsaber, you wont even know what to do with them! JK you should know. Ping and bop to your hearts content. there's also nothign sweeter than having 5 shields on Obi and rolling a 3 dmg with an ataru strike in your hand OH MAMA THAT'S SOME SWEET DAMAGE!

Anyways, Let me know!



3 commenti

comradedickbutt 126

Ha, I have no idea how this would perform given just two die but I do love the idea. I keep thinking about how many people play a ePalp and that's only two die and this technically has 9 more health than that... I get that it won't nearly be as fast as ePalp and of course plays an almost completely different suite of cards, but still I wonder how they stack. Personally been thinking about this Obi/Sabine 2 die start deck, giving Obi the ability to as many as 7 shields on him (using Mandalorian Armor). No idea how it'd play out or compare to your two die start here, and mostly I'm too afraid to try and see...

Roomba 204

@comradedickbuttthat Sabine/Obi sounds like it will either absolutely wreck or get wrecked. there's no middle ground there lol We can be the new 2-dice-meta starters and then everyone will want to hire us because we'll be out here living in 2023 with our strats. :P

CushionRide 101

i made a deck very similar to this